lundi 18 janvier 2016

The meaning of life

“There has to be more to life than saving lives…” says the neurosurgeon who is the main character in Ian McEwan’s novel Saturday

We could easily keep going in the same vein : “There has to be more to life than…”
raising babies
arresting criminals
riveting steel plates
directing TV commercials
teaching rowdy children (or trying to)
waiting on tables
laying cables and pipes in trenches
chattering and drinking coffee in the offices of a French administration
driving a delivery van
etc, etc.
         True. All true. Only spirituality can provide what is conventionally called « the meaning of life ». But what sort of spirituality ? Certainly not the sort that consists in calling on outside and entirely imaginary entities in order to praise them, beg them or ask for favours. Only our identification with the universe can provide peace of mind and inner happiness. 


I catch myself praying :
Oh, Lord, don’t let my dog suffer.
She is all forgiveness and love
and innocent of any lie.

Two million Jewish kids
and six million prayers :
Oh, God, please don’t let her suffer !
Don’t let him die, don’t let him starve,
don’t let them take her to the gas chamber !

But she did suffer
and he did die of starvation
and they did beat her up
and dragged her to the gas chamber
two million times !

What chance my doggy friend ?
And I ?

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